Monday, April 25, 2011

Final Portfolio

Please include the following items in your final portfolio:
Critical Analysis
Research and Inquiry
Reading Notebook
Research Log
Annotated Bibliography
Final Paper
Research Reflection Letter

For the assignment you choose to revise, please make sure to make a cover sheet with the words "Revised Assignment" followed by the title of the assignment and attach this to the revision.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Final Portfolio & Final Exam Times

You have the option to revise one assignment in your final portfolio. If you take this option, please clarly indicate which assignment you've revised by putting a cover sheet on the paper with the words "Revised Assignment."

Final Exam Periods:
For Section 29 (10:30-11:20 MWF)
Exam Time is Monday May 2 from 10:00am-12:50pm

For Section 2 (11:30-12:20)
Exam Time is Wednesday Apr 27 from 10:00am-12:50pm

You are only required to turn in your final portfolio at exam time. If you wish to turn it in early, you may do so by leaving it in my office mailbox in the Department of Writing and Rhetoric on the 3rd floor of Colbourn Hall.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Presentation Guidelines

Your presentation is your opportunity to share your work with your peers. The presentation doesn't have to be a formal performance, nor do I expect you to read your papers to the class. These questions can help you structure your presentation:
1. Why did you choose this topic to research?
2. What question guided your research?
3. How did you go about finding an answer to your research question?
4. What were your findings?
5. What was the most surprising or unexpected thing you found through doing this project?
6. If you had more time, what else might you do to continue this project?

You have approximately ten minutes, but some of that time should be used for questions and answers.
For those not presenting, my expectation is that you will listen carefully and respectfully. I'd like everyone to have one question at the end of the presentations.